Benefits of CCTV Cameras in Schools Buses
Due to growing traffic menace, increase in crime all over, ensuring safety of children is a major concern for parents as well as school authorities. It is estimated that more than 50% school going children use school buses in India, as a largest form of public transportation in our country.To ensure the utmost safety and security School Bus Surveillance is highly recommended.
While Govt and CBSE are taking due steps to ensure safe and secure transportation by having CCTV cameras installed in every single school bus and failing to do so may invite suitable action, it becomes important for us to learn and understand benefits of having CCTV Cameras in Schools buses, such as;
- Protecting your child: CCTV monitoring provides protection for students and peace of mind for parents. It is obvious that children override the safety rules very often. From bullying to theft, incidences of inappropriate behaviour between students decrease when the camera is turned on.
- Live School Bus Surveillance: Thanks to the advancements in technology it is now possible for School Bus Surveillance to be monitored live using IP enabled 3G/4G devices integrated with GPS route tracking which can immediately transmit footage of violations or be monitored online from a control the same time high definition video is recorded directly on the on-board mDVR
- Real Time GPS Tracking: Lets everyone to connect and track school bus on route. Any deviations from an assigned route can be monitored and reported quickly. Parents can track their child’s bus is reached to the desired destination.
- Driver Behaviour Monitoring: School bus drivers carry very precious cargo and therefore must remain alert and focused while driving. CCTV surveillance works as watchful eyes and restrict them override the safety rules of the bus.
- SOS Alarms: Onboard sensors are installed in school buses to trigger various situations like camera covered, video loss, high speed, panic alarm, etc. Alerts are sent whenever there is any emergency situation. Evidence is not only stored on the HDD but also pushed to the School administration, Central monitoring station.
How should the cameras be installed inside School Bus?
- Cameras placed inside the bus should be angled in a way that every seat is covered under the camera’s vision.
- Camera should be of high resolution.
- Audio recording should be enabled.
- Video footage should be stored onboard as well, provide real time connectivity toschool administration and central monitoring station
School bus video surveillance is extremely necessary when it comes to the security of our child. GPS tracking system for school bus can be a great tool to ensure students’ safety, deter vandalism and prevent discipline problems. Every school should take these precaution for their students and check the mark Bus Okay!