Monitoring Driver Behavior – How Important It Is for Safe Driving?
Every day, we see school buses and vans dotting the city traffic landscape ferrying the most precious assets from school and back—our children. With the stakes being so high, we as parents and the school administration are both responsible in ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. Thus, to monitor driver behavior is our duty towards our children, the state of our traffic and last, but not the least, of the person who is behind the wheel—the driver.
It is a well known fact that people who are aware of being observed tend to keep their behavior in check. Monitoring driver behavior could potentially be used to encourage individuals to behave more safely when driving if there were means of providing feedback to the drivers about their behavior on the road. offers such a means of providing behavioral feedback by recording and monitoring driving actions.
A few ways to monitor driver behavior:
- On board CCTV cameras that monitor/record on board activities to ensure against reckless driving and driver fatigue. Also, any unauthorized people in the vehicle may cause driver distraction which may lead to accidents.
- GPS tracking/navigation device to be added on to every school vehicle involved in ferrying the children to have real time information on the vehicle’s route and location.
- Speed limit monitoring devices ensure no over-speeding of the vehicle, thereby ensuring safety of the children.
What’s in it for the drivers?
- Pride in the work done – Drivers are ambassadors of the school on streets. It is this FEEL that needs to be encouraged in them to make them take pride in their work.
- Make them realize they are influencers – Children grasp what they see – whether we like it or not — children observe and learn from their driver uncles! It is thus very important to ensure and enforce good practices among the drivers so that they send the right message to children.
Improving the way your employees drive will have a considerable impact on your organization in terms of reducing costs such as the safety of the children they drive each day, check on rash driving or sudden braking, fuel expenditure, insurance and wear and tear, whilst enhancing levels of operational efficiency, environmental responsibility and duty of care.
Creating awareness and providing a common platform to educate schools / agencies and parents alike has become vital. helps in bridging these knowledge gaps and serve as a stage to bring all the stake holders closer and help in achieving the common goal of providing a safe, secure and responsible environment for our children to thrive and grow.